
We think that  is one of the common website that we can express our thoughts or ideas. As a blogger, you may learn many things from reader's and you can also build a relationship to them too. Although this website is useful, it is not easy to be shared by someone. This is because there are many website better than blogger such as Facebook, Instagram and more. Therefore, most of the people using those app instead of using blogger. Thus, it makes other people hard to know about your blog.
Solution of cyberbullying Cyberbullying is getting worst in this community and it should be solved as soon as possible. There are several methods that can prevent cyberbullying. First, government should enforce law to protect the victim and punish those who harm them. Besides that, the victim should not response to the cyberbullying. They can keep evidence of cyberbullying and report to the game master. They can also block the gamer who criticize them. Those methods can only prevent the occurrence of the cyberbullying but it may reduces the case of it. 
Issue of social media in games Nowadays, games are everywhere and most of them are free to download. Online gaming is not just limited to games played on a computer. Therefore, children can connect with people over the internet on many platform. However, there are several issues on that. Cyberbullying is one of the common issue of social media in games. According to the research, there are around 15 percent of the gamer suffering in this issue. For example, they get flamed and blaming by others because of the strategy when playing games. UHMMMMMMMMM
Social media in games Nowadays, social media plays an important role in out life. Why? This is because we are using it to keep in touch with our friends and get some new friends. A few years ago social media wasn't big enough yet but nowadays people are using it everyday. Especially for gaming in social media, social media has played an increasing role in shaping it. Furthermore, social media also increase the marketing of the games. According to research, it shows that about one-half of social network users play games on social media and 15 percent of the time users spend on Facebook is spent playing games. It means that games has already become one of the trend in the world. For an example, players can communicate with other players that have the same topic instead of just chatting with other by using messenger. In games, they can build relationship with each other and help each other to complete certain stage. Brawhalla is one of the games that can let the players chat wit
Figure 1: Brawhalla Review:  Brawlhalla  is a rebellious platform fighter born of a genre dominated by exactly one game.  It’s got a fighter made out of the stars and galaxies of space who battles with a rocket lance, and a mode specifically for throwing snowballs or water ball. There are several mode that can choose by the players like: 1 vs 1 , 2 vs 2, ranked match, tournament.